
Andrew Hewitt

Andrew Hewitt's Work on StackPath

StackPath, a leading content delivery network provider, was facing a significant challenge with their marketing website. The website was built on dotCMS, a clunky Java-based content management system that was both expensive and difficult to work with. The internal team at StackPath was struggling to update content and had no way of working on the site live. The cost of dotCMS was also a major issue, with an annual fee of $18,000 per year, and an additional $18,000 per environment per year for a staging and development environment.

To address these challenges, I led a project to migrate the website over to Gatsby Cloud, which enabled us to use Gatsby JS on the frontend and WordPress as a headless CMS. This approach allowed for much greater flexibility and ease of use, and significantly reduced the cost of the website.

The project required some custom workflows with Docker and Github Actions, along with React JS and WordPress development. I worked closely with the internal team at StackPath to understand their needs and tailor the website to their specific requirements. We also put in place a robust testing and QA process to ensure that the website was stable and reliable.

The result of the project was a significant improvement in the functionality and performance of the website. The internal team at StackPath was able to easily update content, and the website was much faster and more responsive for users. The cost savings associated with the migration to Gatsby Cloud were also substantial, and the project was completed on time and within budget.