

StackPath, LLC

Lead Web Developer

November 2021 - Present

Responsible for maintaining, enhancing, and adding new features to StackPath’s marketing sites. Most notable project is migrating their main WWW site from dotCMS to Gatsby JS with a headless CMS. The project took 6 months and saved the company $20,000 a year in hosting and service fees to use dotCMS. Technologies include: React JS, Gatsby JS, SCSS, webpack, Bootstrap, Docker, WordPress, Figma, and Jira.

YohDev, LLC

Founder | Owner

January 2017 - Present

I started learning and taking on freelance web development projects while transitioning from my previous employer to the self-employed, gig economy. In March of 2017 I took the leap into working for myself. After a tough first year, and a few failed startups, I’m proud to say that I have made tremendous progress and have found a passion in learning and developing with the latest web technologies and frameworks. I went on to start a company that same year that allows me to handle more projects, with a small team that works with me. We are now up to 8 team members and roughly 30 clients served on an ongoing basis. Skills ranging from Frontend development to automated pipelines and fullstack web app development.

State Farm

Lead Frontend Engineer

June 2021 - November 2021

I was added to State Farm’s “Unicorn Team’’ as a Frontend engineer to help build out two internal web applications that their in-house developers and third party partners will use. The first tool is a learning platform that helps to train new developers who will be working on automating internal processes using DevOps technologies. The other app is an internal project tracking app to help track and keep progress of the DevOps automation projects within the organization. The role required HTML, CSS, JS, React JS, GIT, and some Docker, Kubernetes, and Jest testing.

Pace Communications

Frontend UX / UI Developer

October 2019 - November 2021

Pace Communications is a Marketing Agency located in Greensboro, NC. Pace hired me on a contract to help them with some overflow of frontend development work for their clients. The scope of work includes frontend enhancements to their client’s sites, and a handful of larger projects including re-facing a Web App for Wells Fargo, and building and styling the frontend for a new content driven site for BB&T. The website’s use Bootstrap 4 framework, SCSS, and required me to learn SVN for repo version control.